E-News Channel

Arz o Samaa

Arz o Samaa

Arz o Samaa is a dynamic E-News channel based in Pakistan, dedicated to delivering timely and relevant news to its audience. The platform features a user-friendly design that ensures easy navigation and access to the latest updates, including articles, videos, and multimedia content.


I implemented dynamic content controls, enabling the channel to update its news articles effortlessly. By customizing themes and plugins to meet the specific needs of the channel, I ensured a scalable platform that enhances user engagement through multimedia elements like video streaming and image galleries.





Project Type



As a web developer at Reamarc, I had the opportunity to create Arz o Samaa, a Pakistan-based E-News channel designed to deliver real-time news updates. My focus was on developing a user-centric, responsive website that allows seamless navigation across devices. Utilizing WordPress’s powerful content management system, I implemented dynamic content controls, enabling the channel to update its news articles effortlessly.